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Bridging the Gap

In Focus
NAME:Joe Henein
COMPANY:NewBridge Pharmaceuticals
POSITION:President & CEO
In creating a first-class regional commercial platform focusing on in-licensing innovative therapies across the Middle East and North Africa, NewBridge is shaking up the region’s pharmaceutical distribution, explains Joe Henein President and CEO.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, few leaders stand out as prominently as Joe Henein, the President and CEO of NewBridge Pharmaceuticals.

Founded in 2010, NewBridge partners with global biopharma companies who want to access the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and acts as their one-stop solution to build and service their brands, specifically focusing on oncology, immunology, neuroscience and metabolic and rare diseases.

“We have created very strong partnerships, and we have many blue-chip pharmaceutical companies as anchor clients.”

“These are all new specialty products that require very special skills in order to build the brand,” Henein tells The CEO Magazine.

With a career spanning more than 35 years in the field, Henein has been at the forefront of transformative initiatives, leaving him uniquely prepared to start a company that has managed to disrupt the distribution and transform the partnering model of the pharmaceutical ecosystem in the MENA region.

A One-Stop Solution

The genesis of NewBridge traces back to a passion for providing patients in MENA with access to new and innovative therapies. 

The two white spaces  Henein identified as key opportunities to establish his startup were the pharmaceutical companies lacking the resources to enter the MENA market, and the tendency of regional distributors to focus on their single countries. 

NewBridge strategically positioned itself as a regional platform, offering a one-stop solution for pharmaceutical companies and eliminating the complexities associated with multiple partnerships.

“New, because we deal with new therapeutics. Bridge, because we bridge this access gap and bring innovation from West to East.”

This ambitious mission is encapsulated in the company’s name. “New, because we deal with new therapeutics. Bridge, because we bridge this access gap and bring innovation from West to East,” he says.

A Visionary Leader

Before venturing into the entrepreneurial realm with NewBridge, Henein amassed a wealth of experience in the pharmaceutical industry at a number of major multinationals.

A pharmacist by training, he started as a salesperson, then moved up to assume regional MENA regulatory, product management, marketing management and sales division leadership roles in Athens, Greece. He continued working his way up to manage increasingly larger regions, culminating in two major roles at the United States-based Wyeth Pharmaceuticals: Global Vice President & Commercial Chair of Anti-Infectives, and then Managing Director for the MENA region.

“I came from the kitchen, as they say,” Henein reflects. “I was lucky in my professional journey and have been exposed to many roles, responsibilities and geographies and was also trained by the great leaders in the pharma world.”

“We are all ‘Passionate for Purpose’, and that purpose puts the patient at the center of our mission.”

He credits these early career experiences with his later success in the challenging world of startups, and he seeks to hire talented individuals who are inspired by challenges, willing to learn and, as he phrases it, are  “builders not emperors”. 

“At NewBridge we are all ‘Passionate for Purpose’, and that purpose puts the patient at the center of our mission,” Henein says.

“We make sure that we do everything possible to avail ourselves of new technological advancement in therapeutics or genomics that otherwise may not come to MENA and make it available as new treatment modalities to address unmet medical needs of the region for the patients who needed it the most.”

Future Goals and Expansion Plans

In the short-term, Henein aims to solidify NewBridge’s position as a leading company in its niche and expand its product offerings with existing partners.

“It has been a hard journey to reach a leadership position, and I think it will be even harder to continue to be a leader in our defined space,” he says. “We have created very strong partnerships, and we have many blue-chip pharmaceutical companies as anchor clients who have been our partners for many years.”

To Henein, the fact that these partners have expanded their relationships with NewBridge from a single product to multiple products is a testament to the strength of these relationships and NewBridge’s success in servicing its partners and building their products in the region.

“Thanks to the great talent we attract and a solid vision of where we are heading, we have built a successful and reputable brand that radiates even outside the region,” Henein says, adding that positive referrals are driving even wider expansion. 

“I think that’s probably one of the ultimate performance indicators of success and makes me feel very proud of what we have been able to create and offer in this very short period of time.”

“It has been a hard journey into leadership in this defined space.”

Additionally, Henein envisions geographical expansion beyond the MENA region, initially selecting African markets including South Africa. 

Looking ahead, he believes that even big pharma companies may start being selective in where they operate, as opposed to the global footprint they sought out to create in the past. This may create other long-term opportunities for NewBridge. 

“This model will start to globalize, maybe through mergers or creating new entities that have a global remit,” he says. “I think we’re going to see this materialize in the next three-to-five years. 

“When you see it, remember this interview and say, ‘Joe was right’.”

Challenges and Solutions

While steering NewBridge toward success in these lofty ambitions, Henein and his team still grapple with challenges. The increasing sophistication and cost of new medicines pose an accessibility challenge in the markets they serve.

“Professionals like us need to find solutions for how to ensure there is good access to these medicines across the region. Sometimes, however, our efforts are hampered by the external pressure of economic instabilities of some of the MENA countries,” he says.

“When we partner with a biopharma company, with pride and a great sense of ownership, we professionally handle their products and build a transparent relationship.”

“I remember in my early days in this region, we were able to sell in every single country in the Middle East, a statement that we cannot make today as there are countries currently barred from access due to war or trade conflicts,” Henein says. 

Keys to Success

Two key elements underpin NewBridge’s success. Firstly, the company’s commitment to representing major biopharma companies in the region, particularly in the innovative and specialty space. 

“When we partner with a biopharma company, with pride and a great sense of ownership, we professionally handle their products and build a transparent relationship to provide a natural extension to their operation in MENA. 

“We also run our company as multinational, albeit small and nimble, but with processes and talents fit to partner with big pharma,” he says.

This strategy comes with heightened responsibilities for NewBridge because, as Henein explains, through building its own operational reputation, it also protects its partners’ reputations and their brands as well. 

“In our business, integrity, honesty and transparency are your entry ticket to this job.”

“Obviously, these demands put a continuous improvement mandate on us,” he says. “When you start playing with the big boys, you really need to up your game.”

Equally vital to NewBridge’s success has been Henein’s unwavering commitment to transparency. Facing challenges head-on and ensuring clients are informed promptly, even when the news may not be favorable, has built a foundation of trust.

“When your partners see that you’re genuine, under all circumstances; the good and the bad, you garner their respect,” he says.

This commitment to open communication has been instrumental in NewBridge’s ability to retain clients and maintain its impeccable track record.

“Especially in our business, integrity, honesty and transparency are your entry ticket to this job,” he says. “You deal with patients. That’s what matters at the end of the day. That’s what makes us feel proud of the purpose of our job.”

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