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Connecting Cambodia

In Focus
NAME:Ashok Muthu
POSITION:Country Managing Director
LOCATION:Phnom Penh, Cambodia
As one of the country’s leading telecommunications companies, EDOTCO Cambodia is uniquely positioned to shape the sector’s growth, explains Country Managing Director Ashok Muthu.

In a market that has yet to reach full maturity, EDOTCO’s Cambodian operation stands out as a leader in the country’s towerco industry. But with a technological evolution on the horizon, Country Managing Director Ashok Muthu is preparing for the company’s role to evolve.

“From a market player perspective, EDOTCO is still the largest towerco in Cambodia,” Muthu tells The CEO Magazine. “The other competitors are just emerging.”

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Rather than seeking to dominate the rapidly evolving Cambodian telco industry, EDOTCO’s early strides have established it as a ‘bigger brother’ within the sector, with the company embracing the responsibilities that come with such a role.

An Ongoing Transformation

As the country advances, EDOTCO itself has also undergone a dramatic transformation, in which Muthu has played a pivotal role.

Having worked in a number of capacities at EDOTCO throughout its 10-year history, he significantly impacted the company’s growth across Asia before assuming the Country Managing Director role in Cambodia at the start of this year.

“I come from a background of business transformation, encompassing solutions, technology, digital and business perspective,” he says. “I aim to bring a more holistic approach to the business – ranging from customer-centricity and operational excellence to efficient data management.”

“We were quite ahead of the curve, which enabled us to support the company’s rapid growth over the last 10 years.”

During its formative years, EDOTCO focused on establishing key building blocks in the areas of technology, systems and processes. Early on, the company adopted a cloud-first approach, deploying critical systems such as enterprise resource planning, workforce management systems and tower management systems.

“We were quite ahead of the curve, which enabled us to support the company’s rapid growth over the last 10 years,” Muthu says.

Unique Position

EDOTCO’s foresight has placed it in a strong position, requiring only a tech refresh instead of a complete overhaul. Its longevity in the market has also fostered deep-rooted customer relationships, bringing further benefits.

With operations in nine countries, EDOTCO’s expertise is enhanced by its extensive network.

“We have built an excellent knowledge base and talent pool over the last decade. We focus on talent development and leveraging our regional footprint to bring the best practices from various markets to Cambodia,” Muthu explains.

“There is a high level of trust, reliability and know-how that comes with EDOTCO.”

Despite being a household name in the tower space within the region, EDOTCO continues to prioritize customer-centricity. “The landscape for our customers is quite dynamic, so it’s important to stay in tune with that.”

While competitive pricing is always a concern, EDOTCO’s focus on delivering value extends beyond mere cost considerations.

“There is a high level of trust, reliability and know-how that comes with EDOTCO,” he says.

Forward Focus

While other parts of Asia have reached saturation point, 4G and 5G penetration remains a focal point for mobile network operators (MNOs) across Cambodia.

“MNOs in Cambodia are fully geared up to drive the nation’s digitalization ambitions, with strong regulatory support,” Muthu says.

Rural coverage is a priority, which he explains means more macro sites, but there is also a growing need for innovative solutions that address weak coverage areas in urban locations.

“This is where EDOTCO plays an integral role. “Our extensive experience in deploying street level smart pole structures in other markets allows us to bring various innovations to shape the future of Cambodia’s digital infrastructure landscape,” he says.

“With 5G on the horizon, EDOTCO Cambodia is ready to advance the country’s communication infrastructure needs.”

“At EDOTCO, we are fully committed to the IBS space, and are forming various partnerships to deliver the best solutions to the market.”

Meanwhile, in-building solutions (IBS) are still important across Cambodia, and therefore represent a growing priority for the company.

“There’s a strong focus from the regulator around driving higher standards when it comes to IBS,” Muthu says. “At EDOTCO, we are fully committed to the IBS space, and are forming various partnerships to deliver the best solutions to the market.”

Setting the Standard

EDOTCO’s industry leadership involves close collaboration with regulators at various levels.

“The regulatory landscape in Cambodia is quite unique compared with the other markets EDOTCO operates in,” Muthu notes. “Here, it is quite progressive with heavy involvement from all telco players in the telco space who share a vision: to advance Cambodia’s digital landscape.”

“Every single customer is actually chasing a different perspective and we’re trying to build the infrastructure in between them.”

While such high levels of hands-on engagement can come with challenges, overall, the industry is moving in a positive direction.

“Working closely with MNOs is also crucial, as they continue to face the challenge of profitability,” Muthu reflects. “The infrastructure cost stands out, so MNOs often reach out to us first. As strategic partners, we strive to understand each customer’s perspective and find a middle ground to create the best value for everyone.”

Underlying this positive outlook is a data-driven approach honed over a decade, which enables EDOTCO Cambodia to truly understand its customers.

“Understanding the market pulse is crucial,” Muthu says. “Even though the broad topic is telcos and infrastructure, each country’s regulatory environment and customer behavior differ.

“We tailor our approach to meet these unique needs, ensuring we build the necessary infrastructure without a cookie-cutter approach.”

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