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At a netball game, a player’s simple command to ‘settle’ can transform frantic play into focused success. This moment highlights the power of pausing and refocusing, a strategy that can help workplaces streamline efforts, reduce errors and enhance overall performance.

I recently attended a fast-paced netball game, and amid the intensity, errors occurred as players stepped out of bounds or threw the ball without much consideration. Despite these mistakes, the teams were playing at a high level in a very competitive division.

It was evident that frustration was building among the players and even the spectators, as everyone knew the teams were capable of a better performance.

People move quickly to get things done, but in that constant movement, they often make unforced, scrappy errors, failing to achieve their desired outcomes.

Halfway through the game, one player, upon receiving the ball, paused for a moment and shouted to her team, “Settle!” This brief command caught everyone’s attention – her teammates, the opposing team and the audience.

Following her call, the dynamics shifted noticeably. The players no longer rushed or appeared frantic; instead, they grounded themselves more firmly and played with deliberate intention. Remarkably, within about 10 seconds, they scored. This simple act of pausing and refocusing was highly effective.

Ground rules

This experience made me think of workplaces, where I spend most of my time helping people feel engaged and thrive at work. In many workplaces, there’s a constant buzz of activity, much like the initial frantic pace of the netball game.

People move quickly to get things done, but in that constant movement, they often make unforced, scrappy errors, failing to achieve their desired outcomes. Most importantly, rushing often leads to errors that require redoing tasks, which ultimately consumes more time. We all know that time is a critical and limited resource.

My question is, how does your workplace call ‘settle’? How do you first recognize that perhaps you have lost your efficiency and momentum in the ‘busyness’?  Then, when you know this has happened, what can you do as a group to settle, focus, align with your goals and then proceed deliberately?

In my book, Work your Magic; Create a Better Business Community that works for Everyone, I outline the pillars driving health and wellbeing in organizations, both for individuals and teams.

In many workplaces, there’s a constant buzz of activity, much like the initial frantic pace of the netball game.

The third pillar is ‘Ground Rules’. These are the routines, rhythms and rituals that provide stability. This clarity is crucial, especially in uncertain times. I suggest you get together with your group and establish the Ground Rules that help you regroup, stay focused and ‘settle’.

This way, your time is spent purposefully and efficiently as you head toward your goals.

You might approach this from either a group or individual perspective. Empowering each team member to make the ‘settle’ call, just as the netball players did, can be crucial. This was not a spur of the moment decision; they had planned for the possibility of getting caught up in the excitement of the game.

They recognized that when adrenaline is flowing, even with the best intentions, focus can wane. By empowering their team members to call for a regroup, they ensured considered actions, which led to scoring.

Pausing and refocusing

Consider having a team meeting to discuss what to do when someone notices the team is off track. Empower everyone to make the call – it doesn’t have to come from a leader. Different vantage points within a business can provide valuable perspectives.

Additionally, you might adopt a group approach with daily short meetings where people share their status, or weekly gatherings to ensure everyone is moving in the same direction with deliberate actions.

While maintaining individual focus, remember the bigger picture: you’re part of a team, and interacting effectively ensures the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Without taking the time to come together and settle, especially in complex environments, unintentional errors are likely to occur.

Just as the netball team benefited from a moment of clarity, workplaces can thrive by recognizing when they need to settle.

The lesson from the netball game underscores the importance of pausing and refocusing in any fast-paced environment. Just as the netball team benefited from a moment of clarity, workplaces can thrive by recognizing when they need to settle.

By fostering a culture where team members are empowered to call for regrouping and implementing structured routines to maintain focus, organizations can enhance both individual and group performance.

This approach not only helps in reducing errors but also ensures that efforts are aligned with goals, ultimately leading to more efficient, effective and purposeful work.

Sharon Darmody

Contributor Collective Member

Sharon Darmody is an occupational and organizational therapist and coach, author and a Co-Founder of Strive Occupational Rehabilitation. She has served on the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association and is widely respected in the industry with over 25 years of experience. Her new book, ‘Work your MAGIC’ is designed for leaders at all levels to help teams and individuals rediscover what makes work, work again. For more information visit https://www.sharondarmody.com/

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