In September 2021, the ASX released a list of the 10 growth stocks it was tipping as the best investments. If you’d asked a market analyst or commodities trader a year ago to predict which would make the list, the answer would probably have been an equity-rich tech startup or pharmaceutical conglomerate – not a purveyor of toasters. 


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How will our economy emerge from the pandemic compared to other developed nations?
Total : 32



According to the Australian Trade and Investment Commission’s Head of Benchmark Research, Edmund Tang, three industries where Australia leads the world have underpinned our impressive economic resilience to the pandemic: energy and resources, food and agriculture, and finance.

“Australia is now one of the world’s top three exporters of energy and resources,” he says. “Australia’s farmers are world leaders in the production of clean, green premium produce. Australia’s highly dynamic financial services have amassed the world’s eighth-largest pool of investment fund assets.

“These three industries are powering exports and competitive advantage. They underpin Australian prosperity in challenging times – and they are also evolving.”

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