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An especially tight labor market is prompting companies to reconsider the concept of boomerang employment – bringing back former employees for second stints in their organizations. Rehiring former employees can present a win–win situation, according to analysts, as such job candidates bring familiarity with their former firms, while companies can forgo expensive and extensive training.

There is the matter of the employees’ original departures, however, though analysts say people leaving on good terms often have sincere reasons for wanting to return – such as new workplaces failing to meet expectations or simply longing to go back to what was comfortable fit.

A six-country survey from Human Resources firm UKG found 43 percent of employees who quit during the pandemic admitted they were better off in their former positions. In a newsletter for Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, Radhika Panjwani called boomerang employees a workplace trend for 2023.

Staff turnover occurs for myriad reasons – many inevitable such as retirement, career change and relocation. But many reasons for turnover can be controlled by paying proper attention to staff needs and workplace conditions, according to Loopin.

The employee-wellness experts list six main reasons for staff turnover: little opportunity for growth; lack of feedback; micromanagement; lack of flexible working; overworking employees; and hiring the wrong candidate.

“It’s incredibly vital that employers consider the causes of a high staff turnover that can potentially be prevented with the appropriate implementations. Something as simple as a one-on-one every two weeks can improve the wellbeing, success and overall enjoyment in the role for an employee, and it can reduce the speed at which the organization’s turnover is increasing,” a Loopin spokesperson said.

“High staff turnover not only affects the efficiency of the business, but it also impacts the remaining employees with added workload, and it can damage the reputation of the organization for future employees.”

The Russian invasion of the Ukraine has caused a humanitarian crisis and tens of thousands of deaths as the conflict drags. It’s also sent the prices of commodities soaring, especially oil and natural gas, which Russia produces in vast quantities and previously shipped unimpeded to Europe.

The higher prices for fossil fuels are pushing Europe into an economic downturn and hobbling industry, which is moving parts of its production to other parts of the world – sometimes permanently, according to the Financial Times.

But the International Energy Agency (IEA) says the disruption of oil and natural gas supplies could hasten the transition to clean energy sources such as wind and solar as companies and households look to economize. In 2021, the IEA forecast renewable energy – excluding traditional biogas and nuclear – would comprise 26 percent of the world energy supply by 2050, according to Statista. It revised that number upward this year, forecasting 29 percent renewables in the world’s energy mix by the middle of the century.


Major world events. Celebrity gossip. Prominent figures passing. People turned to Google for information on everything occurring in 2022. No surprise, the war in Ukraine and death of Queen Elizabeth II were among the most searched news topics.

The morning alarm is the sound of dread for some and inspiration for others. Some jump out of bed quickly; others luxuriate in the sheets for a few extra minutes; and a few undoubtedly pull the sheets over their head.

A new survey published Best Mattress Brand finds the type of work a person does, along with their income and happiness in their jobs, can dictate how long they wallow in bed.

“People with more ‘lightweight’ jobs in industries like arts, entertainment and recreation are the ones who stay in bed the most at 14 minutes, while those who stay in bed the least seem to be working in more manual jobs,” according to the survey. Construction and manufacturing workers averaged seven minutes lying in bed. People in health care, finance, insurance and technology averaged 11 minutesone minute more than those in government, education and wholesale and retail businesses.

Those less satisfied with their jobs spent 11 minutes lying in bed – two minutes more than those happier with their work.

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