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If your people are your best asset in your business, make sure you create an environment for them that makes them jump out of bed to get to work.

The most important asset any business has is its people.

That’s not just a throwaway line. In this highly competitive world, I believe the difference between being a business success or failure comes down to the people you surround yourself with.

Attracting and retaining good staff is a skill that has become a focus for me over the past decade.

You spend a high proportion of your time with your colleagues, and I believe the most successful teams also like each other a lot.

I believe it’s not how much you pay, the extra bonuses or the physical gifts that count, it’s the value you place on your employees as humans.

Skills shortages, reduced travel from the COVID-19 pandemic, less migration, competitive industries offering more perks, the Great Resignation movement and low unemployment have all made it difficult to develop a workplace culture that allows employees to flourish and really enjoy what they do.

You can throw money at the problem by offering incentives and rewards but that’s a band-aid solution to the genuine issues that your workplace might be suffering from if you can’t retain staff. Just like a sugar hit, there’s a bounce and surge but that’s fleeting … and then you’ll need another one. There’s only so much sugar in the bowl.

Rediscovering the spark

To be honest, I’ve never really felt like I’ve worked a day in my life. That said, I work hard no matter what life throws at me. The media and communications industry is so much fun because there’s something new and shiny almost daily. It suits my personality because I love the spontaneity and the challenges that it presents.

In short, I love what I do, and I talk often with one of my mentors about the fact that we should be having fun at work.

And if you’re not, that begs an important question: Where has the play gone? Because I know from experience that when teams play together, they are also learning from each other.

You spend a high proportion of your time with your colleagues, and I believe the most successful teams also like each other a lot. Because it’s that genuine affection and respect for one another that creates cohesion in a team.

Robert Mondavi Winery

I don’t believe your workmates are ever replacements for your family or friends, but they’re a big part of your life, and if you’re lucky you can learn from and laugh with them every day.

If you make the workplace fun and create an environment that makes people want to go to work, then you’ve succeeded on so many levels. You’ve created a culture, a vibe and a feeling that it is about so much more than work.

If the thought of a wine night, pub trivia, game of bowls or a lunch with your colleagues sends chills down your spine then you have a problem at both an employee and employer level.

Of course, there’s all types of people who might fill your office space, and trust me, often you’ll get it wrong before you get it right, but if you can make your workplace attractive to the right people, you’ll be sitting on a pot of gold.

Choosing your work community

When I was a young sales executive, one of my former employers said this to all his employees: “We work hard and play harder. Surround yourself with good people and good things happen.”

I carry that mantra close to my heart to this day.

And while my definition of playing harder has changed as the years have numbered, at Media Stable we enjoy each other’s company immensely, and we always take the time to stop and celebrate the big wins and the special moments.

The aim is to create a work culture full of play and joy. Life is too short to not enjoy what you’re doing every day.

Taking my team out and celebrating both their professional and personal wins is one of the great pleasures of life. It’s important to get people off the tools and get them talking about things other than work. That said, it’s amazing how we revert to talking about work when we’re in various stages of play.

A functional and productive workforce is the goal for all employers.

The aim is to create a work culture full of play and joy. Life is too short to not enjoy what you’re doing every day.

And when you have a team that enjoys their work and each other you’ll also see productivity and positive outcomes rise.

Having fun in business really does create its own momentum – and that’s a win–win for everyone.

Nic Hayes

Contributor Collective Member

Nic Hayes has worked the full scope of media and communications across media intelligence and PR, and has experience as a presenter, producer and journalist. He is the Managing Director and Founder of Media Stable, Australia’s most unique PR firm. Media Stable’s point of difference is that it delivers content and pulls experts from the very media that businesses and brands are trying to engage. Nic is an avid media commentator, appearing on some of the biggest media programs in the country. Learn more at https://www.mediastable.com.au/nicholas-hayes/

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