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Motivating employees goes beyond financial rewards. True engagement stems from intrinsic motivation and a strong sense of purpose. By aligning personal values with organizational goals, leaders can foster a dedicated, resilient team that thrives.

Having a team of highly motivated individuals committed to achieving their goals is the ultimate aspiration for any leader. Motivation – that inner drive to take action – is crucial for success but often ebbs and flows, much like New Year’s resolutions that many abandon despite their best intentions.

Employee motivation can also wane due to challenging market conditions, ever-changing workplace conditions, mounting demands or increased client expectations.

While monetary incentives have traditionally been seen as a primary motivator for people, this approach is increasingly outdated. Financial rewards, while impactful in the short-term, tend to lose their effectiveness over time, especially in difficult environments.

Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is driven by enjoyment, interest, satisfaction and a sense of purpose. This intrinsic drive can be a far more sustainable and powerful strategy to motivate your people.

The power of purpose

Purpose is a significant driver of intrinsic motivation. When employees understand how their roles contribute to something larger than themselves, they are more likely to stay motivated and committed.

Organizations with a clear sense of purpose, like Apple, Patagonia or Tesla, often see higher levels of employee engagement and performance. These companies exemplify how a well-defined ‘why’ can drive teams to go the extra mile.

Identifying and communicating an organization’s purpose is not just beneficial – it’s essential.

Identifying and communicating an organization’s purpose is not just beneficial – it’s essential. It provides a lens through which employees view their work, making them more resilient and persistent, particularly during tough times.

Simon Sinek’s ‘start with why’ philosophy underscores this, advocating for a foundational understanding of purpose to drive success. Rather than focusing on how and what you do, you need to be able to articulate why your company exists.

Finding purpose

For individuals, finding a personal purpose is a journey that can transform their lives. Humans yearn for a sense of meaning, to feel like we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves and doing something of value. It’s about understanding what truly matters, which can change over time due to significant events like a global pandemic.

Viktor Frankl’s insights in Man’s Search for Meaning highlight that having a reason to live significantly increases one’s ability to endure and thrive, even in dire conditions. This principle applies to both personal and professional realms, emphasizing the profound impact of a well-defined purpose.

A clear purpose can influence anything from career choice, long and short-term goals, to daily actions. Without it, you might find yourself bored, regularly changing paths or moving through life aimlessly.

Employees who find meaning in their work are happier, more energized and engaged, and perform better.

In the workplace, aligning personal purpose with the organization’s purpose creates a powerful pathway to success. Employees who find meaning in their work are happier, more energized and engaged, and perform better. They experience less stress and are more resilient to challenges.

Leaders play a crucial role in this alignment by regularly communicating the organization’s purpose and helping team members see how their contributions matter. Your ‘why‘ can also support you to stand out from your competitors and can make you attractive to the next generation of talent.

On the other hand, when your team is disconnected from your purpose, they can be a flight risk.

Cultivating purpose

Leaders can foster a sense of purpose by ensuring their teams understand the organization’s mission and their role in achieving it. This can be done through regular communication and by connecting daily tasks to the broader organizational goals.

Encouraging employees to reflect on their personal values, interests and strengths can also help them find their individual purpose and see how it aligns with their work.

Uncovering ‘why’ is a strategic imperative for CEOs and all leaders. It enhances motivation, engagement and performance while reducing turnover and burnout. By fostering a sense of purpose, leaders can create a more resilient and committed workforce, driving their organizations to even greater heights of success.

This alignment of personal and organizational purpose not only benefits the employees but also propels the company forward, ensuring sustained growth and achievement in an ever-changing business landscape.

Anna Glynn

Contributor Collective Member

Anna Glynn is a speaker, author and coach with a deep understanding of sales leadership and positive psychology. Having worked for a decade in the corporate sector, including leading national sales teams, Anna knows what it’s like to be responsible for driving performance in the workplace. This is what led her to complete a master’s in Applied Positive Psychology. In her practice, she has worked with a number of global organizations in a range of industries supporting them to build sales cultures that thrive. ‘STRONG’ is her first book. For more information visit https://annaglynn.com.au/

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