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Mental health must be a priority for every leader to pave the way for a more engaged and productive workforce, and the first step is incorporating mental health practices into a regular routine.

As a CEO, you’re no stranger to the high-stakes environment of corporate leadership. The relentless demands of your role – long hours, critical decision-making and constant pressure to outperform competitors – can create a perfect storm of stress and anxiety.

In this intense atmosphere, it’s easy to put your mental health on the back burner, believing that every moment must be dedicated to driving your business forward. As a result, 75 percent of the C-suite has seriously considered leaving their position in search of a better sense of wellbeing.

However, this mindset is not only flawed but also detrimental to both your overall health and your company’s performance. Investing in mental health services is not a luxury; it’s an essential component of effective leadership.

Investing in mental health services is not a luxury; it’s an essential component of effective leadership.

In fact, your mental health is directly tied to your company’s bottom line. When you prioritize your mental wellbeing, you enhance your capacity to lead, make better decisions and ultimately drive your business to new heights.

Plus, a mentally healthy CEO not only navigates the complexities of business with greater clarity but also fosters a positive work environment that, in turn, boosts employee morale and engagement, ultimately reducing turnover and enhancing overall company performance.

On the other hand, neglecting your mental health can lead to burnout, impaired judgment and reduced productivity, creating a ripple effect that has the potential to destabilize the entire company. Depression alone affects one’s capacity to complete physical job tasks about 20 percent of the time and reduces cognitive efficiency by about 35 percent.

Mental health stigma

Despite what’s at stake, the stigma surrounding mental health persists, especially at the executive level. More than 80 percent of CEOs reportedly feel reluctant to talk about their mental health-related challenges in the workplace. Often, this is due to the widespread misconception that openly discussing these struggles and seeking support is a sign of weakness or an admission of failure.

For some, this stigma deters them from addressing their mental health needs. In reality, recognizing the importance of mental wellbeing is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It reflects a commitment to personal growth and the health of your organization.

By challenging these misconceptions, you can set a powerful example, promoting a culture that values mental health and encourages healthy dialogue across all levels of your company.

More than 80 percent of CEOs reportedly feel reluctant to talk about their mental health-related challenges in the workplace.

As a therapist who specializes in working with business leaders on their mental health, I see client after client navigating the immense pressures of their roles. One example in particular comes to mind. I began working with Ofo Ezeugwu, Founder and CEO of WYL (WhoseYourLandlord), through the Google for Startups’ Black Founders Fund.

The constant demands of leading a rapidly growing company meant that he had to better prioritize his wellbeing in order to continue to grow both personally and professionally. Through our sessions, we focused on developing strategies to manage stress and improve mental clarity.

By prioritizing his mental health, Ezeugwu further realized and sharpened his personal resilience and professional capacity. Since beginning our work together, he has successfully raised over US$3 million in venture capital and angel funding, his current team members have all been with the company for more than two years, and he is now on track to hire an additional 10-to-15 employees – a testament to the positive momentum built on a foundation of mental wellbeing.

Top tips for success

If you, too, want to prioritize your mental health for a greater sense of success, here are a few tips:

1. Prioritize work–life integration: Find ways for your personal and professional lives to coexist. Consider implementing no-meeting days, flexible work hours and mandatory time off to recharge. Work–life integration is not about achieving a perfect balance but about finding a sustainable approach that allows you to thrive in both areas.

2. Leverage digital tools: Consider using mental health apps and tools like the Oura Ring or a FitBit Smartwatch to track vital stats such as sleep patterns, heart rate variability and daily activity levels. These devices can provide valuable insights into your overall wellbeing and help you identify patterns or triggers related to stress. Plus, apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided meditations and mindfulness exercises that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

3. Figure out what works best: Not all stress management techniques are created equal – what works for one person may not work for another. Try out different stress management methods to find what suits you best. Whether it’s physical activity like jogging or yoga, listening to music, practicing deep breathing exercises or engaging in creative outlets like painting or writing, figure out what helps bring you back to center.

4. Promote a culture of support: When you prioritize your mental health, you help lead by example for the rest of your team. By openly discussing your mental health practices and the benefits you’ve experienced, you can break down the stigma and encourage others to do the same. When employees see their management actively engaging in mental health practices, they are more likely to feel comfortable seeking support for themselves.


As a CEO, your leadership sets the tone for your entire company. By prioritizing your mental health, you not only enhance your own capacity to lead but also pave the way for a more engaged and productive workforce.

By prioritizing your mental health, you not only enhance your own capacity to lead but also pave the way for a more engaged and productive workforce.

So, start today by incorporating mental health practices into your routine and encouraging your team to do the same. You’ll never look back as you lead with renewed clarity and strength, inspiring your team and achieving new levels of success.

Chantel Cohen

Contributor Collective Member

Chantel Cohen is the Founder and CEO of CWC Coaching & Therapy, where she and her team of therapists and coaches provide mental health services with a business coaching lens. Specializing in serving high-performing professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders and co-founders, Chantel and her team excel in leadership development, personal growth and career advancement while addressing challenges such as negative self-talk, psychological pain, self-sabotaging behavior, past hurts and improving personal relationships. The CWC team works on every aspect of a person's life, including their mental wellness, their career or business and their significant relationships both personally and professionally. Chantel herself is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs of color, women business owners and founding duos. https://chantelcohen.com/about/

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