Leaders have always looked for ways to unlock the full potential of team productivity through approaches such as key performance indicators (KPIs) or task-driven approaches. More recently, we’ve seen the rise of key result areas (KRAs) to direct effort and foster better results. But there is often an underestimated tool that organizations can use and that is to inject a sense of fun to foster heightened collaboration.
Like many organizations, Tesserent has weekly meetings to review achievements and set goals but we felt a fundamental shift was needed to propel the team forward. As George Bernard Shaw famously said, “Progress is impossible without change.”
Inspired by this philosophy, the company looked for ways to incorporate play and personal banter as well as work discussions. Despite being geographically dispersed around Australia, Tesserent introduced strategic games into its communications to stimulate creativity, encourage collaboration and foster a culture of innovation and mindfulness.
By making the workplace a more enjoyable environment, you can unlock more potential than you ever imagined.
One game it adopted, Skribbl, sparked creativity and laughter as team members described scenes for others to draw, resulting in whimsical interpretations that showcased our diverse perspectives and imaginative thinking. These playful moments not only provided a much-needed break from the stress of cybersecurity work but also nurtured our team’s creative spirit, fostering a sense of camaraderie and relaxation amid our busy schedules.
When we think of work, we can often be tied to a mindset that links work with a burden. But by embedding opportunities for team members to think differently and get to know each other Tesserent has seen new ideas come to light and team members delivering better results without working harder.
By making the workplace a more enjoyable environment, you can unlock more potential than you ever imagined.
The research behind this approach is almost universal in touting the benefits. Productivity gains of 20 percent are common and the time it takes to go from initiating a ‘play at work’ mindset to realizing the benefits is fast. A study by Brigham Young University found that teams who played a collaborative video game together for just 45 minutes increased their productivity on a task by 20 percent.
But it is important to not make this a form of ‘forced fun’. Not everyone will engage in play in the same way. Some will be active participants, while others might prefer to watch. By choosing different activities, you can give everyone a way to engage in ways that suit them.
By encouraging self-expression and creating a supportive environment, the Tesserent workplace has become a space where individuals can be themselves, share their passions and achieve a healthier work–life balance. These personal connections have strengthened our team spirit and cultivated an inclusive space where open communication and collaboration thrive.
In today’s fast-paced work culture, the adage ‘all work and no play dulls your results’ rings true.
Although unconventional, the introduction of play into our work routine proved to be a strategic game changer. It has significantly enhanced team performance, collaboration and morale. It has fostered camaraderie, trust and open communication among the team and strengthened the company’s interpersonal relationships, enhanced teamwork skills and promoted a sense of unity.
Balancing work with play requires structure and intentionality. Tesserent’s structured team meetings are carefully designed to include moments of play without overshadowing our core objectives.
In today’s fast-paced work culture, the adage ‘all work and no play dulls your results’ rings true. I urge fellow leaders to embrace the transformative power of play, setting aside dedicated time for activities that encourage creativity, build trust and foster teamwork in a low-stress environment.
The outcomes may surpass all expectations, unlocking newfound potential and driving success in unexpected ways.
Kurt Hansen
Contributor Collective Member
Kurt Hansen has over 30 years of IT industry experience driving sales and delivery transformation, and impressive business growth across many IT and cybersecurity organizations in Australia and New Zealand. Kurt was the CEO at Pure Security where, as part of the PS&C Group, he integrated four security businesses following their acquisition and listing on the Australian Securities Exchange. Previous roles include executive, senior management and operational positions at Check Point Software Technologies, F5 Networks, AirData, Symbol Technologies, Telstra Wholesale, Cisco Systems and Ericsson. For more information visit https://tesserent.com