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Experience, quality and innovation are Younexa’s distinguishing features. A company committed to sustainability and caring for the environment in all its production processes.

A set of values and principles that are undoubtedly transmitted by the company through its top-quality services and products that satisfy demanding customers all over the world that care for and are committed to the environment.

Younexa belongs to the Altadia Group, a leading name in the sector of frits, inks and ceramic glazes and, thanks to technological innovation, the company is able to accompany its customers on the path towards transformation, develop materials and provide unique ceramic solutions unseen in the market until now.

The customer makes a journey into the future that the customer alongside a committed company, which serves, listens and proposes innovative and avant-garde solutions, always adapted to your needs.

At Younexa new challenges are tackled through innovation, the power of reinvention and adaptation, and sustainability, with a view that is both global and local, to be close to customers and accompany them in their growth.

It is an experienced, dynamic, resolute and friendly company that helps to transform the present and build the future, fully aware that only a sustainable strategy will provide the best guarantees of success in the frits and ceramic glaze sector.

However, to build a sustainable and responsible future means having to work from experience and believing in innovation, to obtain environmentally friendly products of the best quality. Younexa achieves its goal by analysing the impacts generated by its activity to subsequently take intelligent decisions that help reduce risks for customers, employees, society and the environment.

Constant research and assessment of the raw materials used, as well as the study of the products manufactured and launched on the market, without forgetting the analysis of the production processes employed, have enabled the company to fully respect nature.

The company and Altadia Group’s commitment to research, development and innovation in sustainability matters have placed them at the forefront of efficient technological solutions, capable of significantly reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere during its production processes.

Innovation and technology are utilised to successfully replace materials with others that are more eco-friendly or the use of longer-lasting materials, in addition to increasing the use of recycled water, waste disposal and the decision to replace natural gas with green hydrogen.  Actions that in the end translate into a reduction of the carbon footprint and demonstrate how Younexa is firmly committed to fighting against climate change.

Apart from the successful implementation of the series of measures aimed towards protecting the environment, it is worth pointing out the social and good governance policies put into practice in the company to guarantee a better future, as well as a balanced and sustainable economic development over time.

At Younexa we understand that evolution is nothing more than positioning ourselves at the forefront in matters related to sustainability and the commitment to defend and care for nature.

A philosophy that implies searching for innovative and disruptive solutions that contribute towards creating a sustainable industry. An industry where the commercial activity smoothly integrates the business strategy, the respect for ethical values, people, the community and the environment.


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