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In today’s era of environmental consciousness, the responsible and sustainable use of resources is paramount. Vaagen Brothers Lumber and Mercer International stand out as two entities that have mastered these principles, especially in the context of wood products.

Together, these companies have forged a symbiotic relationship with sustainability at its core.

Vaagen is a family-owned lumber company that has been a pioneer in the wood products industry for years. With a reputation for quality and a keen focus on sustainable forestry practices, it’s long been recognized as a progressive leader in the sector.

Its forward-thinking approach, championed by CEO Duane Vaagen, focuses on the forest, specifically the critical importance of forest thinning to mitigate wildfire risk and improve forest health.

One example of this is the innovative ‘A to Z’ stewardship project. This project involves comprehensive forest management, from small diameter thinning and fuels reduction work, to road and bridge improvements designed to enhance fish and wildlife habitat.


Vaagen is guided by its principle of Fibervision, which is the total utilization of the forest. It is a belief in using every part of the harvested tree and wasting nothing. Duane’s vision of utilizing small logs was ahead of its time, combining both ecological responsibility with economic viability.

This strategy not only protects forests from devastating fires, but also sequesters huge amounts of carbon and ensures that there will be sustainable timber resources for future generations.

Vaagen is proud to have a fruitful and long-lasting relationship with Mercer. Together, their fiber utilization enhances the health and viability of local working forests.

Overcrowded stands, in poor forest health can be treated through the harvest of small and very small logs that traditionally had no or very low economic value. Logs bigger than 11.5 centimeters diameter go to the sawmills for lumber production and logs that are smaller, to whole log chipping facilities which both Mercer and Vaagen operate.

The chips from the whole log chipping process, as well as residual chips from the small log lumber processing mills, go on to make sustainable pulp products at Mercer’s Celgar facility in Castlegar, Canada.

The sustainable lumber produced by Vaagen is used in Mercer’s cross-laminated timber plants, and the forest is left healthy with proper spacing of trees that will be more resilient to the risk of forest fires, insects, and disease into the future.

Sustainability Core

It is with the visionary approach and commitment to both the environment and community that both Duane of Vaagen and Juan Carlos Bueno –CEO, President and Director of Mercer International –have set forth a path for their respective companies.

It is also why their companies’ partnership has worked so well for over 25 years. Sustainability is at the core of this relationship.

The future is bright for both Vaagen and Mercer. Their continued collaboration promises to bring even more innovative solutions to the market. Whether in the form of pulp or cutting-edge wood products like CLT, the partnership is poised to lead the charge in sustainable wood product innovations.

In an age where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, the partnership between Vaagen and Mercer International stands as a testament to what companies can achieve when they work together towards a common goal.

Through their combined efforts, they not only ensure that wood resources are used efficiently, but also pave the way for a greener future for our planet.

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