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Established in 1986 and continuously evolving since then, Savex is one of the largest information and communication technology distributors in India. Headquartered in Mumbai, the company has 39 sales offices and 42 stock locations, a sales force of over 400 and more than 7,000 partners in 750 cities.

With 34 years of experience in the Indian ICT industry, Savex’s core strengths lies in its selection of the best breed of products and solutions, a seasoned team with knowledge and expertise, along with cutting-edge technology and rigorous process control.

Savex focuses on the sale of solutions and security services, with strong logistics and the ability to deliver to 750 cities in India and globally to over 200 countries in local currency. Savex also has a network of more than 200,000 engineers as part of our extended team. Savex prides itself on its deep expertise and knowledge in cutting-edge technology and rigorous process control, as well as a strong MSP partner network. The company also holds a professional service arm, Uniserved, which acts as an aggregator to deliver tech services.

Under guidance from the leadership team comprising Anil Jagasia – Founder and Chairman, Jayant Goradia – Managing Director, Devang Pandya – CTO and Director, Raunak Jagasia – Director Enterprise Business and Alliance, Mahendra Wahile – Director, Saurabh Naik – Director and Atul Gaur – Director, the company has been able to maintain trust and integrity in the market.

At Savex, we are constantly looking for areas to expand and continue our direct-to-retail initiative with a combination of team and tech. We have expanded our play in consumer product categories and ecommerce activities alongside our software and enterprise business. Savex believes in helping to expand vendors’ market share either by investing in existing or new GTMs, various marketing activities, investment in technologies (to increase the efficiency of orders and support the entire end-to-end process), end customer lead generation programs, and pre- and post-sales activities in addition to strengthening the hygiene factors of distribution, which includes credit support and logistics management.

2021 saw very high growth in endpoint consumption (computing) devices. WFH is becoming the norm so all digital tools to support infrastructure services, including business applications in the cloud and continuous adaptation of collaboration tools, will continue to gain momentum, while spend on security will continue to thrive. Virtualisation, storage and hybrid infrastructure will continue to be at the centre stage of the CTO’s mindspace. On the other hand, SaaS-based applications are finding more momentum in the SME space while infrastructure would largely remain on premises. Computers and other products will continue to grow at the normal pace.

Savex reinvests 100 per cent of its profits back into the business and this has supported our growth. Savex continues to invest in making organisations future ready. Which means investments in tech and people continue to remain our priority.

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