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Shaklee Corporation is one of the world’s leading nutrition companies and has over two million ambassadors working throughout six countries. It provides premium quality, natural nutrition and personal care products as well as environmentally friendly home care products.

Through its social commerce business model, the Shaklee Wellness Ambassador Program empowers its teams to find success running their own programs and businesses while helping others create healthier lives.

The pandemic was a big inflection point for Shaklee – with people staying home more, digital channels and social media became a crucial way for direct selling companies to reach and engage with customers.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, the retail industry faced a 180-degree shift from brick-and-mortar business to an all-digital model, and we knew it was the right moment to re-imagine, re-invent and redefine the role and contributions of the direct-selling business model for the next decade,” Roger Barnett, Chairman and CEO of Shaklee Corporation, says.

Shaklee teamed up with Salesforce to become even more of a customer-focused company and set itself up for continued success in the future – streamlining its operations and bolstering collaboration among its ambassadors to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Providing Best-in-class Customer Service

Delivering outstanding customer service requires seamless communication and collaboration, and Salesforce solutions are the framework for Shaklee’s technology infrastructure.

MuleSoft technology plays an essential part of this architecture, allowing Shaklee to tightly integrate across all of its critical systems – from consumer-facing ecommerce and ambassador tools to back-office systems. Shaklee was able to develop new integrations in record speed with just a handful of developers and then easily deploy these across its entire technology stack, from Salesforce products and beyond, easily and efficiently.

Shaklee has fully embraced Slack. Its IT teams have leaned on Slack automation to enhance project management, while teams rely on it as a core communications platform to manage across one-on-one communications as well as corporate-wide projects and issues.

Slack also serves as a digital community where team members connect on the more casual, non-work related topics – an essential social space in this post-pandemic work environment.

Leveraging Service Cloud, Shaklee is improving its communication with customers. Using features like live chat, Shaklee is providing more real-time support to customers on their preferred channel – Facebook email, or chat. Service Cloud also gives Shaklee analytics and reporting tools to track and measure its customer service performance and identify areas for improvement.

Creating a One-stop Shop for Ambassadors

Quick and seamless communication and collaboration are hallmarks of a successful sales team.

With Community Cloud and Experience Cloud, Shaklee created an online portal where its ambassadors could access all of their data – from commission levels to sales volumes – and coordinate with their downline teams to drive further business growth.

This enables Shaklee consultants to stay closely connected wherever and whenever they are running their business, fostering closer collaboration and a stronger culture, streamlining workflows and creating real-time communication channels.

Leveraging Service Cloud and MuleSoft, Shaklee created a single source of truth, consolidating customer information from sources across sales, service, marketing and IT. This visibility provides Shaklee’s customer service representatives with a complete view of the customer that enables more personalized service in real-time across channels.

Shaklee is also able to use Service Cloud to automate certain aspects of its customer support operations, such as routing cases to the right agent and responding to frequently asked questions like “Where is my order?” with a knowledge base.

And what value is this creating for Shaklee? A delightful experience for each and every one of their customers.

“We were fortunate in that the foundation of our digital transformation was in place when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and working with Salesforce accelerated that transformation and transition seamlessly into our current work-from-home model,” says Franci Kursh, Chief Information Officer of Shaklee.

“Everything we do at Shaklee is focused on the benefit to our customers, and using Salesforce’s product portfolio, we’re enhancing the efficiency of our ambassadors, fostering a stronger and more collaborative culture, and ultimately driving loyalty and wellness for our customers.”

For business and technical support, product orders, media and collaboration inquiries or to contact a Shaklee office outside of the United States, visit: us.shaklee.com/contact

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