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“This company is who I am,” says Teodora Macadangdang, CEO and founding matriarch of RNT Enterprises, Inc. “The tide is changing and people often tend to be scared of sharing what they know and waste time second-guessing what they are capable of. I was never that type of person. All the while I was short-listing mine.”

Coming from a poor family, this woman of determination, grit and grace under pressure had only time and wisdom as resources on hand when she started banking in life. She never missed an opportunity thrown her way. And 31 years ago, with only the college degree that she earned with flying colours, years of experience in the field of sales, and a humble PHP1.3 million, which she saved from commissions, ‘The Lioness’ created RNT Enterprises, Inc.

Since 1990, RNT Enterprises, Inc. has been an active partner of the agribusiness industry in the Philippines. It adheres to its advocacy of safeguarding food security, sustainability and biosecurity by providing superior, world-class nutritional products for animals such as vitamins, minerals, eubiotics, enzymes, toxin binders and safe water treatment options.

“We don’t promote and represent products whose merits and strengths we do not believe in,” she says. This is the primary reason why RNT Enterprises, Inc. continues to be a preferred and valued partner of DSM Nutritional Products, Phibro Corporation, Tesgo, Berg & Schmidt, Inroads International, Trouw Nutrition and Bios AgriCorp for many years.

“I take pride in saying that the products we carry are not only excellent, but are also aligned with our advocacy of minimising our ecological footprint and promoting biosafety. We are most certain that animals which consume our products are of optimum health and are definitely fit for human consumption. These are facts established with continuous research, tests and studies. I am a child to a couple of poor but dignified farmers. Most of the time our family was cash-stripped, but we were never hungry. Clinging to my humble roots helped me stay driven and passionate about the fact that this company helps feed the people,” Dorie shares.

With the health and safety concerns raised against the use of antibiotic growth promoters in animal raising, RNT Enterprises, Inc., with its prudence and discernment in choosing which products to carry, provides another layer of biosecurity that Filipinos can rely on.

Her years in the field of sales were like a life in the lion’s den. In order to thrive, everything must be a breakthrough and leading-edge. Staying on top of her league gave her the go-ahead to establish her own pride – not only of lions, but of tigers as well. “Yes, I am in every way my team’s mentor and even a tormentor at times. That’s how I groom them. That’s how they learn. No opportunity is missed as I have a great team to bounce around ideas with,” she explains. They get inspiration from competition and apparently, their biggest competitor is themselves. Dorie values her salespeople and considers them her precious resource. “They are my SWAT team,’ she quips. “I do not believe in luck but I believe in God’s provision. I know I have instilled the same values in our people. Everyone works to outdo their personal best and reap the benefits.”

The company is unique given how lean the organisational structure is. It has always given room for uber-fast decision making. The team knows how to care for our stakeholders exactly the way RNT takes care of them. Everything is built on mutual trust, at peak performance, compassion, empathy and timeliness. “Despite our small size, we have been able to hit targets which even more prominent and bigger industry players are unable to fulfil,” she says.

In spite of the setbacks, including PHP500 million worth of bank loans due to financial mismanagement when she focused solely on the sales department, Dorie was able to address that one major blow alongside the other cutthroat challenges the company had to deal with on a daily basis once she reigned over the company totally. “My willpower and faith in God made me win again.”

The challenge to come up with more efficient modes of food production has soared alongside the global challenges at present. However, the company has been at full speed doing its share without hype and publicity, always focusing on the essentials more than the peripherals.

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