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Despite the massive and fast-growing popularity of motorsport around the world, the industry has typically been a difficult market to enter for new participants. Remstar Management is disrupting this status quo, offering a new model of involvement in motorsport for a vast variety of both firms and individuals.

Remstar is opening the door to the growing market by leveraging global ties and condensing the opportunities into a single point of contact.

A Growing Market

Following stagnation in the past decade, the motorsport industry is entering its own renaissance. Across all major markets, motorsport has seen rapid growth with no indication of slowing anytime soon, making it a valuable area of interest for firms looking to reach a variety of demographics.

The European market has seen growth upwards of 8.5 percent last year; and is expected to eclipse that this year. North America and the Asia–Pacific region have seen greater growth numbers, 11 percent and 14 percent respectively – growth that equates to a combined US$815 million this year alone.

Global Business Interest: a B2B Haven

This growth is not just limited to fans, viewership and merchandising; there has also been a large increase in interest and investment from some of the world’s largest companies. In the past six months, nearly all major automakers have announced a larger presence in motorsport. GM, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Peugeot, among others, are constructing their own top-class race cars. Ford even paired with the current F1 champion, Red Bull, to develop their engines, while also fielding a brand-new race car in 2024, with investments totaling over US$1 billion.

The increased commercial interest in motorsport means that the series calendars are not only just a catalog of races but also a catalog of highly productive B2B events, with large concentrations of liquid capital ready for use. A prospective firm is no longer putting their money on a team just to see their brand on the side of their car at the finish line, but to gain access to the trove of opportunities housed inside.

The New Approach

Remstar Management’s approach to business development in motorsport is a stark contrast to what is typically found in the industry. Rather than limiting the client to one specific team or series, Remstar Management offers the client the ability to reach the entire global motorsport audience. The client works with Remstar Management to create a roadmap of their goals and target demographics.

Then, the team at Remstar Management uses relationships with top teams and manufacturers around the world to place their clients’ brands wherever desired. Remstar Management has the ability to reach all of the estimated 1.1 billion motorsport fans around the world. What was previously a loss leader is now a source of income for firms involved.

Like every other industry, motorsport has had to adapt to the new internet age. This was not lost on the team at Remstar Management. So to make sure the firm stayed ahead of the curve, it invested heavily into the use of AI supplemented digital marketing. The use of new AI technologies allows the firm to keep the traditional methods like on-car branding, bespoke team apparel and in-person activation while supplementing them with social media posts and press releases that target current trends and consumer sentiments.

The team at Remstar Management leverages active trends to further the client’s reach beyond just race fans. Remstar has created a true hybrid between a top-down and bottom-up strategy. Clients determine their goals and their objectives, and Remstar handles the legwork of sending that message to the audience through a shared passion for motorsport.

The Remstar Experience

While there is plenty of appeal to a business, Remstar Management also focuses heavily on the experience of the individuals. Premium VIP accommodation and hospitality are provided at every event, regardless of location.

For successful B2B engagements, a sense of professionalism and class is needed – which Remstar excels at providing. Moreover, business is just one of the part of the Remstar Experience. The most fulfilling portion of the experience is just that: the experience.

Working with their partners, Remstar offers full, unfettered access to the team operations. Clients and guests are afforded the opportunity to live and work alongside world-class mechanics and engineers that create the podium finishes.

Commercial success, driven by passion: Remstar Management.

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