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ElectroGas Malta, through its ground-breaking LNG-to-power technology, contributes significantly to the island’s improvement in air quality, while producing energy more efficiently and effectively than ever.

ElectroGas Malta has been instrumental in bringing a quantum shift in the production of energy in Malta. ElectroGas helped Malta to significantly reduce its reliance on heavy fuel oil by introducing a cleaner energy source. This, in turn, strengthened energy supply security and facilitated substantial reductions in carbon emissions from energy production. In addition, these initiatives led to lower electricity costs, mitigating the impact of energy market price volatility in 2022.

Following a successful competitive bidding process in 2013, ElectroGas embarked on an ambitious journey to design, construct and operate a brand-new 205 megawatt power station, and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal – the Project – for a period of 18 years. In 2017, the Project secured financing by 10 international banks, obtained its Operational Permit and commenced full Combined Cycle Operation on 10 August 2017.

ElectroGas is responsible for the procurement of LNG, and the provision of natural gas and electricity to Enemalta, Malta’s sole electricity distributor. The LNG is stored in a Floating Storage Unit (FSU) which is an LNG cargo vessel chartered by EGM that has been converted specifically for the Project. The vessel, which has a maximum capacity of 125,000 cubic meters, is berthed on a custom-built jetty, purposely constructed to carry the LNG to shore for regasification.

The fuel in liquid form travels to the regasification compound where it is converted back to natural gas, which in turn is supplied to ElectroGas’ and Enemalta’s power stations for the generation of energy.

Safety as Paramount

As a prudent operator, ElectroGas considers safety and environmental safeguards as its topmost priorities in all its activities. At the design stage, the Project underwent rigorous hazard and safety reviews, assessing various event scenarios in detail, identifying the likelihood and impact of each scenario. As a result, any required modifications were applied to ensure safety across the board.

Independent experts were brought on board to assess strategically sensitive elements within the infrastructure such as the jetty and the FSU mooring facilities. Rigorous testing took place all throughout the construction of the facilities, to ensure international safety standards and codes. All facilities run to stringent international regulations governing maritime gas installations.

Further reviews are carried out periodically. Expert classification societies as well as internal and external audits ensure constant safe operations and compliance with all applicable regulations. Additionally, both daily as well as emergency operating procedures are far from static, as they are reviewed and updated regularly, in line with industry best practices.

Team Success

Prospects for employment with ElectroGas Malta are considerable, as the company is always on the lookout for qualified, motivated individuals to join its team.

Presently the company welcomes within its ranks an international complement of people hailing from across the globe, bringing together a kaleidoscope of cultures and expertise that makes ElectroGas stronger. This team has been instrumental for the company to achieve excellent results over the past six years of full operations.

The company looks confidently and with pride into the future and aims to continue being an efficient reliable energy supplier of LNG, gas and electricity adding value to Malta’s energy sector.

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