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By 2025, it has been estimated that 79% of healthcare professionals (HCPs) will be formally categorized as “no see.” For those of us in bio/pharma marketing, this statistic means that we need to seek innovative solutions to access and engage our target customers and key accounts.

ConneXion360 is uniquely equipped to help bio/pharma marketers succeed in this new world. Not only have we built a network of HCPs and key accounts that participate in our regular programming, but we can also take this to the next level. By taking a client’s target list of HCPs and/or key accounts, cross-matching it with ours, and letting our clients in on what percentage of their targets we can access, we are able to reach a higher percentage of HCPs.

Once you have access to an HCP, how can a marketer ensure that the target customer is properly engaged? ConneXion360 has developed 11 unique and proprietary message delivery platforms to engage target customers:

  • Virtual Message Delivery Platforms

Engaging targets using a range of online tactics from small-group web meetings between a speaker and a single practice to large-scale national broadcasts reaching thousands of HCPs.

  • Non-Personal Platforms

Engaging targets without directly involving your sales force.

  • Sales Force Door Openers

Providing your sales force with innovative platforms to pique customer interest and advance a call plan.

ConneXion360 and Bristol-Myers Squibb Partnership in Action

Through the years, ConneXion360 has supported Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) by providing access and engagement to its target customers with a variety of tactics.

Engage 1,000+ Specialty-Relevant HCPs in ONE DAY

A BMS oncology brand was seeking to reboot their messaging to target oncologists. They felt that their messaging was not being consistently delivered. This is where ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives National Broadcast comes in.

Bringing together the brand’s top three speakers and a patient spokesperson, ConneXion360 pre-recorded the presentation using an MLR-approved script, then aired the broadcast six times in one day, with each airing being followed by a live Q&A session. Using ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives Recruitment Network and the brand’s sales force, we were able to engage 2,256 specialty-relevant HCPs in one day with the brand’s best speakers delivering key brand messages in a consistent, credible, and compliant manner.

Target-List Guaranteed Engagements & Physician-Level Data Using Existing Brand Content

A BMS cardiovascular brand team needed a creative way to engage target-list HCPs without having to directly involve their sales force. This is where ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives National OnDemand Platform comes in.

BMS provided three existing brand videos, which ConneXion360 repurposed and made available via a brand-specific Treatment Perspectives OnDemand Platform, supported by a campaign of targeted email drivers. Using ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives Recruitment Network, we were able achieve 585% of our 12-month engagement goal by month 8.

Guaranteed Engagements with Target-List & Specialty-Relevant HCPs at the Point of Care

A BMS oncology brand needed an innovative way to engage target-list and specialty-relevant HCPs at the point of care without directly involving their sales force. This is where ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives EHR & Telehealth Campaign comes in.

ConneXion360 worked with the brand to develop 6 key messages to be delivered at the point of care within the EHR/Telehealth platform to target-list specialty-relevant HCPs who are seeing the appropriate patient type. Using ConneXion360’s Treatment Perspectives EHR & Telehealth Network, we were able to recruit seven new brand writers and increase script lift by 23%  in two months.

What’s next for ConneXion360’s approach to accessing and engaging with target HCPs?

ConneXion360 is currently developing a new way to target relevant specialties at difficult-to-see/no-see accounts (think GPOs, VAs, IDNs, etc.) and drive these HCPs to our customer’s brand website to engage with brand content. This tactic, Treatment Perspectives Key Account Messaging, will provide guaranteed engagement with specialty-relevant HCPs and select job types (payer, CEO, vice president) at key accounts where accessing the right targets may be a challenge.

Overcoming a 79% ‘no-see’ target list will be a key element of the future success of Bristol-Myers Squibb brands and other bio/pharma brands. ConneXion360 has a proven track record of working with brand teams on cross-functional marketing, understanding the variety of initiatives being invested in, and strategizing communications between initiatives to inform the next best action for sales force and marketing teams.


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