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In today’s connected, data-intensive business environment, enterprises must seek every opportunity to unlock the value in their data. Which is why the world’s most successful companies have made Capgemini their strategic partner.

Capgemini helps its clients transform and manage their business by unlocking the value of technology. With a global workforce of more than 340,000 professionals, we have the experience and expertise to help our clients create better customer experiences, increase revenue and boost efficiency.

Our strategy begins with technology transformation. Today, that includes a commanding mastery of the fast-evolving fields of cloud, data, artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms.

At the same time, Capgemini helps executives revisit their strategies to ensure their enterprise is fast, agile and responsible. We embrace innovation as an enabler of growth, a means to drive solutions that yield genuine business impact and a pathway to a sustainable future.

A Client Success Story

Capgemini has been working for more than a decade to help IAA (NYSE: IAA) – a client in the automotive auction business – master its data and transform its operations. Our work with IAA includes:

  • Helping to establish the client’s data science and analytics division
  • Providing application-development support
  • Automating business operations
  • Integrating acquired businesses into the client’s IT ecosystem
  • Assisting with customer relationship management initiatives.

For IAA, a well-planned and executed strategy is enabling the company to expand its business to new markets. Meantime, new data-driven tools and services make it easier for sellers to find a market for their vehicles and enable buyers to bid with greater confidence – which can help drive higher final auction prices and boost IAA’s revenue.

Insights & Data

Change happens in the blink of an eye and executives are under increased pressure to balance business transformation, operational excellence and cost reduction. Doing so successfully is essential to protecting market leadership and attracting and retaining top talent.

Now, more than ever, executives must base mission-critical decisions on trusted data instead of intuition. The Capgemini Insights & Data team focuses on data, analytics and AI as enablers to help companies overcome challenges, then identify and act upon opportunities. We develop trusted AI solutions, powered by data activated at the core of the organization and the related processes and culture. We then help clients deploy these into all business operations at scale.

As an example, 890 by Capgemini is an activator of data analytics. Available on any cloud and with a single interface, it enables clients to:

  • Accelerate decision-making
  • Flex and grow at scale
  • Increase efficiency
  • Automate processes
  • Develop new products and services that truly connect with customers.

Leverage Cognitive Capabilities

We also helped IAA deploy a solution based on Capgemini’s Cognitive Document Processing platform. This leverages AI and machine learning to automate tasks such as document categorization and data extraction.

This solution, which IAA patented to protect the strategic advantage it confers, helps process a high volume of title transfer documents each year. This frees up staff to deal with the exceptions rather than mundane processing tasks and accounts for all jurisdictional requirements on both the buyer and seller side of the transaction.

Capgemini Data-driven CX

Leading-edge technologies are also transforming customer relationships. The Capgemini Data-driven CX solution augments traditional customer data platforms with AI. This empowers businesses to deliver personalized engagement across all customer touch points, while anticipating each customer’s behavior and addressing their needs.

Prioritize People

Enterprise-wide data-driven decision making is only possible if staff are empowered to confidently analyze data and glean insights, rather than wrestling with the data to make it reliable. Capgemini’s Renewable Insights framework enables companies to establish a reliable foundation for continuous innovation and long-term, highly scalable solutions in line with the leadership’s business transformation goals.

The Capgemini Advantage

Companies that master their data are able to derive actionable, profitable intelligence from it. Doing this successfully requires taking charge of huge volumes of data from multiple sources, including data generated internally as well as information from customers, partners, suppliers and even regulators.

This is critical as technologies such as cloud, AI, IoT, edge computing and 5G are deployed to power the next phase of digital transformation. These technologies present additional challenges to companies, but also new opportunities.

Capgemini is helping clients take full advantage of these and other technologies – ensuring executives chart the right course towards a smarter future. Contact Capgemini to learn how we can help your company build the intelligent future you want.

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